Saturday, November 13, 2010

Goings On

The last few months have been zipping by for us. Fall is in full swing here in Tri-Cities and we're starting to wrap up things outside. Still LOTS of work to do.

We recently had Gretchen's mom and stepdad visit us from Florida for a week. What a treat! The kids had a wonderful time with Baba and Djedo Jack...including celebrating Leah's 3rd birthday. Just a small family party here at home, but the princess got some really wonderful gifts she just loves - clothes, toys, all sorts of great things. A BIG thank you to everyone!

I posted some recent pictures of things going on around our house. You can view them at:

If the link doesn't work, just let me know!

Take care everyone...till next time....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Horsey Night

Just had to brag and show off some wonderful cowgirl Leah pictures!! I couldn't be more proud...she's fully horse/animal obsessed like her mother and definitely Tonnka's #1 fan. We had such a fun night just putzing around the a few that were snapped. Be sure to catch the video on YouTube:

Latest and Greatest

Hello all! Been awhile since I've posted an update or here you go! I tried to take several from various corners of the property, so you can get an idea of the layout and size. With the fence up, it's a lot easier to see. What's REALLY easy to see, is the endless amount of DIRT we have out here! It's NUTS! Finer than baby powder...really. Gets everywhere, blows everywhere, it's super fun. We're tackling the sprinklers and a new horse shelter here very soon.

All is well with us though, just staying super busy getting things done around the house. Most recently, we had our back patio poured - it turned out really nice! Getting the stairs poured this Monday, so we should have that project finished up soon. Will be nice to enjoy a BBQ out back for Labor Day. Ryan just returned from 2 weeks in Virginia for work again and is busy at it since returning home. He enjoyed a really nice weekend with the Karlson family, celebrating our new nephew Gabriel's 1st birthday and baptism. Mommy Shawna was also baptized, so it was really nice that Ryan could at least attend.

Ethan starts Kindergarten this coming Wednesday and BOY OH BOY, is he ever excited!! We went to the school open house last night, met his teacher, checked out his brand new school (super nice!) and enjoyed ice cream there too. We stopped by again this morning to show daddy...we're all really excited for him. Leah and I will try adjusting to home alone time together while he's there. A new schedule is something we're all going to have to figure out.
Take care everyone! Keep in touch as always!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Goofing Around

Been settling in bit by is sure feeling like a home. =) We've been getting things here and there that have been needed (like a desk). We sure love it here though!!!

Our fence is going up and looking great! We're excited to see it all finished. This chore we decided to leave to the experts...they are sure busting it out. You can see in these pics where we're at with it, as of today. They should have all the rails in place and be done by Tuesday. =D

Ryan borrowed Uncle Scott's 4-wheeler so that we can groom out the lumps and bumps that our dirt yard is. We're looking at getting it all prepped so that we can tackle irrigation here soon (THIS we are doing ourselves). Took a few pics of the kids riding with daddy. Beautiful day here in Tri-Cities!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pics to share

We've been unpacking, organizing, fixing and still fixing things....but we're pretty settled and of course, still LOVING the new house. =) It's wonderful.

Here's a few pics to share. Of course, still lots to put away and decorate. We still don't have closet shelves and the doors to the kids' rooms still aren't fixed, but we're getting there.

Moving day...say cheese!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We are finally in the new house and LOVING it!!!! It's so nice and roomy and it's WONDERFUL to see all our things again. The kids are happy to have bigger beds and new rooms, the dogs are happier to be running all over the place, and we're all just thrilled to finally be in. It really does feel like home already!

We still do NOT have internet/phone/dish service at the house. We are scheduled to have a technician out this Thursday to take care of all that. SO - for the time being, our email is hit or miss. As soon as I can, I'll post some pictures of what it looks like so far and hopefully get back online to chat. The inside is cute...the outside is a serious dirt farm. It's impossible keeping the house clean right now so I'm not fighting it too much.

Will be in touch soon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our 4th of July Weekend

Today is POSSIBLY "THE" day for our move in. A few things to still get through on the inspection list....and the final sign-off saying we can move in should be good by today. FINGERS CROSSED!!!!

We had a really nice 4th of July holiday weekend spending time at the pool, dinking around at the house, and watching the annual fireworks at the Phillips house. It was pretty chilly though, especially for July in Tri-Cities!! BRRRRR!!!

Some pics to share....hope you all had a nice weekend too!!!